Tuesday, October 10, 2023

This is it

I'm in the groove, I've found my momentum and I can see that dream body I've always desired taking shape. Being in a state of quasi isolation/rebirth/re-awakening is helping as well.

In the past 28 days I have:

1. Stuck to my macros (within 5%) 98% of the time.

2. Focused on eating for results. Not for emotion, not to be comatose, not even solely for taste.

3. Got to my goal of 10K steps a day about 5 out of 7 days a week.

4. Worked out at Orange Theory 3 days and lifted at the gym 3 days a week.

Most convincingly, my body is clearing changing and I have measurements to prove it! What I do know is this: this is no short term plan, no few week solution. At minimum, I need to carry this discipline and consistency through the rest of my time here in [redacted city]. That is, a total of 6 months. Once I am at a body fat percentage goal, I then have to keep going for the rest of my life. Maintenance. 

I am ready. This is it.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Back at it

So I fell off the diet wagon. I'm on it again though. I started this go around on 8/21, with a few slips (hello Crumbl cookies) here and there, but with consistent and renewed vigor since 9/1/23. Imma take pictures every two weeks and post them for your viewing pleasure. On 12/14, I will assess the situation and keep going. Because this is a lifestyle, right? Lol, not until I reach goal. A woman can only live on 1500 calories (135 protein, 150 carbs, 50 fat) for so long right?

I'm also desperately sad. I am with a man who has hurt my my feelings, twice. I deserve it though (maybe?) I was snooping through his phone.

Better writing later. Maybe. For now....just a reminder. I'm here.