Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day 2

So far, today has been a good day. The worst time for me tends to be late at night, but...I am planning to take each hour as it comes. I need to work on forgiving myself when I do mess up.

I woke up at 10:30am, took 1000 mg of Vitamin C and two capsules of 1 Up Nutrition Make Her Lean. I drank about 40 ounces of water while I played Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). I had a slice of banana bread and tea at noon. At 2pm, I had a work Skype meeting. This continued until 4pm during which I had some honey flavored regular Greek yogurt. At 4:30pm I did the following workout:

Warm Up
3x10 20 lb DB squats
3x10 Reverse lunges
3x10 35 lb DB deadlifts

3x10 reverse lunge pulse with squats (left leg lunge...squat...right leg lunge...squat = 1 rep)
3x15 donkey kick backs with resistance band
3x10 jumping lunges (left jump lunge...right jump lunge = 1 rep)
3x10 stationary squat with pulse
3x10 walking lunge with squat (left lunge...right lunge...squat = 1 rep)
3x10 20 lb front squats
3x10 35 lb DB deadlifts
3x12 30 lb SB step up squats (left step ups...followed by right step ups)
3x10 burpees (done without push up and with jump)

It took me 62 minutes and I burned 562 calories. During the workout, I drank 50 ounces of water mixed with 1 Up Nutrition dragon fruit flavored branched chain amino acids.

I am about to take a shower. I plan to make a salad for dinner:

Salad mix (has kale, brussels sprouts, cabbage)
Cherry tomatoes
Cranberries (Ocean spray reduced sugar)
Garlic Expressions Vinaigrette

Not sure what I will eat for protein. Maybe a tin of sardines. Maybe some of the Mega Fit Meal portions I bought and are stashed in the freezer (Teriyaki chicken, Tilapia filets, ground Bison).

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Starting over (again)

I don't know what to say.

I am tired of being fat.

Tired of hating the way I look.

Being on endless diets.

Worrying about food. About working out. About clothes. About everything body related.

I just want to lose the weight and keep it off.

So, I (re)started this blog. Although I deleted my previous posts, it is pretty ironic that I am attempting intermittent fasting again. I have come full circle...perhaps there is meaning to that.

I eat between 2pm and 8pm. I fast between 8pm and 2pm. And I workout every day. I eat wholesome, nutritious food. I drink water. I take vitamins. And I don't obsess over the scale.

Maybe being in the middle of a pandemic will help.