Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Slow and steady (wins the race)

I am equal parts excited for how my body has changed thus far and impatient that it's not changing faster. Lord, teach me patience.

This is a lifestyle, right? Right.

This is forever, right? Right.

Well...except, I will slowly raise my calories from 1595 to 2200 when I get to that Dark Tower maintenance point.

What's for food today? MegaFit Meals for three meals. For breakfast I had oatmeal in almond milk (with dried cranberries) and a scoop of 1 Up Nutrition Vanilla Ice cream Whey ISO protein powder. At some point, I'll have another scoop mixed in water for a "snack". Total 1595 calories (175 g protein, 145 g carbs, 35 g fat).

What's for workout today? Orange Theory Fitness, at 4:45am this morning.

I measure this weekend. Aren't you excited?

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